Sunday, December 03, 2017

Sunset Snack

The area where I live has many ospreys flying around so I'm quite familiar with them.  The idea was to have the provider bird bring food back to the nest where the little ones were patiently waiting with the guardian bird.  The nest was created by dropping little puddles of paint onto the paper and then blowing through a straw.  It's a very effective way to get long thin streams of paint but boy does it ever make you dizzy!  The birds in the nest were masked out before this process began.  I left the sky to the very end and that presented a quandary because I wanted a smooth finish and didn't want to disturb what was already painted.  I resolved that situation by spraying the watercolor on, changing colors as I worked from bottom to top.

1 comment:

Alice said...

Love this painting so much I bought it. Thanks! It is beautiful!